Friday, May 14, 2010

How do i get rid of split ends without getting a haircut?

I know i might have to end up getting my hair trimmed, but first i'd like to find a home recipe or product that could treat or get rid of my split ends...

help?How do i get rid of split ends without getting a haircut?
You can't get rid of split ends, you must cut them in order to maintain the health of your hair.How do i get rid of split ends without getting a haircut?
There is no such treatment or 'homemade' recipe. The only products that say they get rid of them, actually stick them backtogether, It doesn't get rid of them, and You WILL get breakage(as split ends cause breakage,). So the only thing you can do is a Trim, and keep getting a trim every 4-6 weeks, to prevent them,
once yu have split ends im pretty sure they are there for good. but if yu r dead set against cutting it wrap your hair up and hide the ends like in a bun or something that way the wind or sun or whatever cant get to them. i think the best thing yu could do for your hair, especially so that your split ends wont go through the whole strand of hair is to trim them off. or you could just cut them youself. its really tedious but it gets the job done and your hair looks better.
you can't...unfortunately you would need to just get a trim

however, you could use a hair clay, conditioner, or any leave-in treatments to help with dry hair or anything like that to prevent further split ends. you could find these at any drug/convenience store. hope this helps!
now that there split, its gonna be hard to get them back to normal. well to prevent it from getting worse you can use the shampoo that heals damaging hair... and you will see some improvement. and on days you dont need to dont straighten your hair becasue thats what prbly started it in the first place.

go to this website. they have products that help damaged hair. the one that says helps reverse signs of damage in 1 week actually works.. you can feel your hair is much softer.

hope i helped.
You can't get rid of them but there is a serum form bed head that kind of fuses them until you get to the saloon.
There is no way of gettting rid of them without a trim.. sorry.

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